Five Pretty Plants for the Home Office

Nothing brightens a space and cleans the air quite like an office plant. But the typical choices you’ll find stocked on the shelves of your local home improvement big box store are so… corporate. Why not bring something a little unusual, tropical, or just plain fun into your Girly office. It’s an easy way to add personality, nature, and warmth to your space, even if you have a brown thumb.

Indoor citrus trees

With these kits from Etsy seller SevenAcreWoods, you can sprout your own lemon or lime tree. Citrus trees pack in a lot of bang for your buck–they’re fragrant, charming, and even produce fruit, and there’s nothing quite so rewarding as growing your own from scratch. $5 each, $2.75 shipping.

Lemon and lime available.

Clean the air

The Pothos plant from Etsy seller beadstyle is great at cleaning the air and it’s hard to kill. This tropical beauty arrives in a cottage-y pot ready for a sunny office spot.

Topiary choices

From Etsy seller timtierney, this aromatic topiary is a real cutie pie. It’s shape is symbolic for bringing calm to the space, something most of our offices could use more of.

From the same seller, if you’re dreaming of the tropics but chained to your desk, how about a Bonsai palm tree ringer (the Dwarf Forest Bonsai)?